Student Life

Relocating to the UK

8:06 PM

In all honesty, I was quite worried since 7 days before my departure date because I had fallen ill. I had a high fever all throughout the week and was "banned" from going out due to my condition. 

There was a moment of asking "Why now? I'm moving to the UK soon!" but ultimately God's plan is great. In my mind, I convinced myself that I fell sick in Malaysia so that I won't get sick any time soon in the UK.

My friends who actually made time for me and sent me off at the KLIA
I prayed hard that I would recover before I go and thankfully I did. But still, there was something in me that wanted to stay.

I have been excited for months. I looked forward to it; new environment, new experiences, new friends. But that Saturday, all I ever wanted to do was stay on my bed, and not move. I did hesitate.

Both of these girls came to my house at the very last minute before I left 
But seeing my family's faces, their hopes, their prayers for my success, I got out of it quickly. Sure, I was sad to leave, but nothing great will ever come to me if I stay in my comfort zone. 

And... off I go.

I did try to vlog my journey though. I told my close friends I wanted to try vlogging and hence the first (sad) attempt. Vlogging using a proper DSLR was not a good idea though because it's way too heavy to be handled while walking but nevertheless, I find it quite enjoyable.

Let's see how this goes, shall we?

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